Numenera in Roll20
Numenera in Roll20 Roll20 is a virtual tabletop running in your browser, to play your favorite Pen and Paper RPG online. Last summer I started running "Slaves of the Machine God" for Numenera using Roll20. The character sheet for Numenera works very well, but I wanted to share some of the tools I made for me and my players. How to start out Sample Token Roll20 has a built in tutorial to show you the basics, also Roll20 Crashcourse . For further reading use the Wiki. Roll20 has a built in voice function, but most people (me included) use a different Voice tool. Our group uses Discord . Make sure to install it, the browser-version doesn't work very well. Add a second voice channel, so you can move you and players there for private chats! We also use the textchannels of discord to chat, schedule games or to share links! For creating tokens to use, I recommend TokenTool . I use the round tokens with the target acquired preset from TokenTool. You can u...